Eisbade Interview mit Josephine Worseck und Constantin Falcoianu dem Chief Ice Officer

Interview with ice bath trainer and author Dr. Josephine Worseck

I conducted a very comprehensive interview with Josephine Worseck on the most important questions that ice bathers can ask themselves. Josephine is a renowned ice bather, WHM trainer and author of the well-known book "The Healing Power of Cold". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Yr5XSdwRE Eisbaden.de Interview with Josephine WorseckConstantin: Yesterday we...
Alter und Eisbaden

Can ice bathing prolong your life?

Who wouldn't want to live longer? And if you could extend your life in a completely natural way, that would be brilliant. We asked ourselves whether cold could help to achieve this goal? Using scientific studies, we show that cold actually has a very positive...
Mirjam beim Eisbaden im See

What happens to your body when you take an ice bath?

Many people wonder what exactly happens in the body during ice bathing. In this article, we look at the most important physiological, i.e. physical, aspects. When you start ice bathing, you should be able to feel and understand these effects directly on your own body.


Tiefkühltruhe zum Eisbaden

Freezer for ice bathing

Experts are forecasting very warm temperatures of almost 40°C. Nevertheless, I don't have to do without the cold, because I go into the homemade ice bath at 1.6°C. How exactly? In a freezer!Every ice swimmer knows this: you look forward to winter so that you...
Kunst und Eisbaden

Ice bathing & art

Probably a paradox for many, but they do exist: artists who use ice bathing to create their works in the water. One such talent is Luisa Püschel, who continues to impress our community with her photographs and works of art.

Table of contents

Luisa in self-portrait