Everything you need to know about ice swimming
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Interview: Vice ice swimming world champion Yasmine PliessnigIn ice swimming the water is below 5°C, in winter swimming the temperature can be higherThe ice mile is the Mount Everest of ice swimmingThe kilometer time doubles during ice swimmingWarming...
Interview with ice bath trainer and author Dr. Josephine Worseck
I conducted a very comprehensive interview with Josephine Worseck on the most important questions that ice bathers can ask themselves. Josephine is a renowned ice bather, WHM trainer and author of the well-known book "The Healing Power of Cold". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Yr5XSdwRE Eisbaden.de Interview with Josephine WorseckConstantin: Yesterday we...
Can ice bathing prolong your life?
Who wouldn't want to live longer? And if you could extend your life in a completely natural way, that would be brilliant. We asked ourselves whether cold could help to achieve this goal? Using scientific studies, we show that cold actually has a very positive...
Book review: “Winter swimming – Why cold water makes us healthier and happier” by Susanna Søberg
The original edition was published in 2019 under the title "Hop i Havel", the German translation was published by Piper Verlag in 2022. The book is divided into 13 chapters and there are some references at the end. The book contains many photos and illustrations...
Ice bathing instructions for beginners
The idea of venturing into icy water may seem totally daunting at first, but ice bathing offers a multitude of benefits, such as improved circulation and a strengthened immune system. If you want to try ice bathing for the first time, it...
What happens to your body when you take an ice bath?
Many people wonder what exactly happens in the body during ice bathing. In this article, we look at the most important physiological, i.e. physical, aspects. When you start ice bathing, you should be able to feel and understand these effects directly on your own body.Table...
Freezer for ice bathing
Experts are forecasting very warm temperatures of almost 40°C. Nevertheless, I don't have to do without the cold, because I go into the homemade ice bath at 1.6°C. How exactly? In a freezer!Every ice swimmer knows this: you look forward to winter so that you...
On the role of breathing and cortisol in life and the influence of ice bathing
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A good breathing technique is important because we control some of our hormones through our breathingIf we are constantly breathing quickly and frantically, this signals stress to the bodyIf too much cortisol is released for too long, this has negative...