- Studies of psychology and sports science
- Wim Hof Method® (WHM) Instructor, specializing in cold exposure training
- FELDENKRAIS® Practitioner (Feldenkrais-Verband Deutschland e.V.)
- Back School Instructor (Konföderation der deutschen Rückenschulen)
- Autogenic Trainer (Medizinisches Fortbildungszentrum)
- Structural Integration/Connective Tissue Work (Dr. W. Heppe, USA)
- Posture Alignment Specialist (Egoscue University, USA)
- Meditation and Traditional Chinese Medicine (Nanjing University, China)
- Bothmer Gymnastics (Alheidis v. Bothmer/Stuttgart)
- State-Certified Tennis Instructor (TU Munich)
Torsten Last
Torsten Last is a seasoned ex-Wim Hof trainer with extensive experience in psychology and sports science, specialized in cold exposure and body-awareness practices. In module 4, Torsten teaches how to run cold plunge trainings and discusses the core components of coaching.